
Category: Something Short

Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Squeak

Performed at Books, Inc., Alameda for Alameda Shorts Bubble and Squeak by Bronwyn Emery James is 15. He is tall and lanky, all long fingers and longer feet and awkward…
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Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Unrequited

The Game by Bronwyn Emery Vicky lingered alone for a moment, gazing down on the face of Uncle Milo, her mouth set in a firm, tight line, as if a…
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Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Ghost

Performed at Story Slam at Books, Inc. Alameda Ghost by Bronwyn Emery [prologue: The thing about ghosts is the way they haunt you. You don’t know they’re there until they…
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Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Heat

Burning to Sell the House* by Bronwyn Emery About a dozen years ago, when my then husband and I were selling our house and the kids were young and adorable…
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Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Naked

The Naked Truth by Bronwyn Emery I showed up to the zombie apocalypse with hairy legs. But first, I gave birth to my son. In the delivery room, in those…
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Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Solstice

Performed at Story Slam at Books, Inc. Alameda On Leaving a Marriage by Bronwyn Emery On the morning of summer solstice, Evie had to admit that Gavin was right; procrastination…
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Something Short: A Story for a Prompt: Growth

Performed at Books, Inc. Alameda for Story Slam Regrowth By Bronwyn Emery *Names have been changed to protect privacy When I was a child, a group of my friends got…
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