The Live & Thrive Workshop
A powerful, potentially life-changing 6-week course, designed with your dreams and desires in mind.
The Live & Thrive workshop is for people who are motivated to figure out what they want to happen next in their lives, design a plan to achieve their goals, and then take the necessary steps to make it happen.
The Live & Thrive workshop combines three of the five specialized weekend workshops under the Live & Thrive umbrella: Choice Within Change, Now & Later, and Viewfinder. In this 6-week course, we focus on the ‘live’ side of live/write balance. We take a look at what’s going on in your life, what kind of changes have brought you to a place where you’re eager to define the next step, and what’s coming up that requires some kind of adaptation.
The Live & Thrive workshop has been designed specifically for creatives who want clarity around what to do next, as well as a strong sense of possibility and opportunity that comes from life-affirming reality checks around the past.
If you’ve done Choice Within Change, Now & Later, or Viewfinder with me in the past, it’s been a while. This workshop is a great refresher, especially if you’ve grown into what you wanted back then and are ready to keep moving forward into the next stage and beyond.
We meet online for group sessions once a week.
730-900pm Wednesdays, July 9 – August 13
This is a tight-knit, safe space for no more than six people per workshop pod, which means it’s almost like private coaching, but with additional moral support from fellow members.
Minimum expectations per member: Honor each other’s privacy, keep their confidences confidential, demonstrate mutual respect, and show up with an open mind, prepared to listen to others and yourself with care and attention.
Willingness to participate in a private Facebook group is ideal; that’s where I post the homework every week. It’s also where you get to engage in spontaneous discussions with other members. Other arrangements can be made if you do not use this social media platform.
That’s right, I said homework.
There’s no need to freak out. Unlike back in middle school, in this course you will understand why you’re doing homework and how it’s all going to pay off. And the homework is all about you, so it’s going to be fun even when it’s challenging.
You’re going to enjoy this process.

What Bronwyn does during her “To Live and Thrive” workshop could be compared to detangling. Have you ever tried detangling something that’s in an extremely complicated knot? For instance, matted hair on a small child, or some chain necklaces that got all wound around each other in a drawer. If so, you know it takes patience and a careful hand to carefully pry out the strands and unravel them. In her workshop, what begins as your unruly tangle of dreams, ideas, and worries… she helps turn into a nicely combed out plan. 10/10 would recommend.