
Prompt #63: Undaunted + Rebirth

Prompt #63: Undaunted + Rebirth

Hello Writers and Journalers,

Today’s prompt is Undaunted and Rebirth. If you are looking for a way to reconnect with your creativity or to experience a rebirth in creative energy or joy in your life or anything else in your life, the best way in is through a regular journaling practice. I call it Daily Pages. You can call it whatever you want.

Your journal is a place to check in and explore creative ideas, imagination, thoughts, and possibilities undaunted.

You have three pages a day that you get to write by hand. You can do this on any timeline – for years, for months, for decades. You get to check in with yourself and you get to develop a practice that gives you the opportunity for rebirth and connection to creativity.

You are worth all of it.