Prompt #8: Intention + Mire

Hello Writers and Journalers,
Today’s prompt is Intention and Mire. Those are the two words that I pulled from the Magic Box of Words this morning. And let me tell you, they were right on for me today because my intention was to write my Daily Pages all at once and yet I got mired in social media. I got distracted.
I was mired in social media until I realized that journaling is a form of social media-ing with yourself.
What if we did some social media-ing, socializing with ourselves in our pages? Check in with what you think, what you find is funny or life affirming.
Your journal is where you get to check in with what you think and feel. It’s where you get to develop thoughts and feelings about love, life, politics, relationships, events, and everything else.
There are dopamine hits hiding in your handwritten pages. You don’t have to rely on social media for approval or ah-ha moments.
Just yesterday, one of my favorite clients texted me in all-caps excitement to tell me about the revelation that had been waiting for her inside her Daily Pages. In her case, it blasted writers block right out of existence. I’m so excited to read the next chapter of her Weird West WIP.
What is it like to socialize with yourself in your journal?