
Prompt #65: Spirit + Smooth

Prompt #65: Spirit + Smooth

Hello Writers and Journalers,

Today’s prompt is Spirit and Smooth. These two-word prompts are randomly selected, and they’re intended to be used to support your journaling habit, for when you have a block, when you don’t want to tackle something bigger or deeper, when you just need a reason to write something and maybe you want to explore something completely different, take a day off, play with an idea as a one-off.

Or, you can use all of these prompts one after the other, every day, in order. It’s really up to you.

The idea is to write three pages using these two words. You take the first word and see how the second word affects it. Write for as long as you have inspiration. If you run out of inspiration before the end of three pages, you take the second word and see how the first word affects it.

And you just enjoy exploring. Because you’re worth it.