Prompt #3: Focus + Serendipity

Hello Writers and Journalers,
Today’s prompt was pulled, one word at a time, from the Magic Box of Words: Focus and Serendipity.
Take these two words and think about how they apply to each other. Open yourself up to thoughts, feelings, and memories around focus and serendipity. What comes up for you? Just write it. Write three handwritten pages.
No one’s looking over your shoulder. No one’s going to see what you’ve written, unless you choose to polish it up and share it.
This is for you. To move through writers block if you have it, to get the juices flowing if that’s what you’re in need of, and to find a way into a deeper introspection in your journaling.
It all pays off as you nurture your creative identity.
I have no idea how they’re going to show up in my Daily Pages, but I trust the process. If you practice the process enough, you will be able to trust it, too. Enjoy.