Prompt #12: Enjoy + Clarity
Hello Writers and Journalers,
Today’s two-word prompt is also from the Magic Box of Words: Enjoy and Clarity. And guess what? You get to enjoy writing whatever you want about clarity. And enjoying clarity. Or, clarity about what you enjoy.
You get to play with these words in your journal the way you want to.
I would like to know if this is a new habit for you. Have you started journaling in 2023 as a new daily check-in with yourself, a new daily life-affirming ritual, or a new daily way to get stuff off your chest and to work through things?
If it is, we’re already twelve days in, if you’re reading this on January 12, and about now, between now and day fifteen or day sixteen, you might experience a shift in how you speak to yourself, or what comes out on the page, or how quickly you get into the subject or the topic that you want to talk about. You may even decide the prompts are fun to start with, and you write a fun sentence or two, but then you go into something else that needs to be addressed.
The shift is different for everyone. You might find your creativity opens up, you’re more direct about processing your emotions, or you’re fed up with covering the same ground over and over. Or none of the above.
All of this is normal. All of this is natural. The shift you experience is unique to you. Remember, you’re establishing a new habit, so if you have stops and starts, that’s okay. Just keep coming back to it and keep checking in with yourself. You’re worth it.