
The Month of Extraordinary Goals (MEG)

Welcome to The Month of Extraordinary Goals, new groups forming every month through the end of 2020.

The Month of Extraordinary Goals, or The MEGis an opportunity to prioritize one project or intention in your life and make serious progress on it in one month. In these 4-week worskshops, I take you from working on your goal someday to working on it today. I’m there to lead you through I will to I am take you beyond I wonder if I can to look what I did — and all the great feelings that go along with that.

How? I’m a writing + creativity coach; it’s what I do. I mix inspiration and motivation with accountability, and pay attention to what works for you. My job is to help you feel confident about your goal, connect you to its meaning and purpose, find what gets you into your creative zone, provide support and encouragement, and identify your achievements along the way.

The MEG (Month of Extraordinary Goals) features a small, interactive group of writers who come together to focus on individual projects with 4-week deadlines, make significant progress on a larger piece, or establish a lasting habit that feeds their creativity.

Fair warning: About 60% of people who sign up for one month of The MEG ask to continue together for a second and, sometimes, a third month.

Why does it have to be a group thing? Groups are magical, when lead by a coach who respects you, your goals, and what you’ve got going on in your life that supports your writing.

We’re living in extraordinary times, where connecting with others is more complicated and simultaneously more compelling than ever. The act of writing words may be a solitary task — too many hands on the keyboard spoil everything — but there’s no need to be isolated while you do it.

I have been leading group workshops like The MEG for several years, and exclusively online since the first day of shelter-in-place.

Every group has its own rhythm, its own personality, and I am delighted and grateful to discover the unique, magic dynamic in each new MEG.

Getting into your creative headspace can be a struggle on a good day, but 2020 has been back-to-back, out-of-proportion WTF.

If you have been struggling with focus, productivity, enthusiasm, the willingness to experiment and play with your writing, and the ability to recognize your achievements for what they are and really feel good about them, you are not alone.

The MEG can help.

Life is hard without impulsive hugging at social gatherings full of laughter and shared food, coming together to meet and catch up at conferences, getting away in groups for weekend retreats, or even being able to camp at the local coffee shop for a couple of hours to write. Finding our way through upheaval into a better future, a better normal for everyone is very much a priority for many, many people.

If goal setting and accountability add to your stress, let go. It’s okay not to push yourself right now. You can join The MEG in a later month.

However, can I just please ask you one thing?

Since when did tapping into your imagination and playing with creativity make you feel worse about yourself?

I don’t mean diving into depressing scenarios in your mind; I mean inventing worlds and kicking off adventures, recording the quirkiness of daily life, exploring the nature of creative identity, and getting lost in the rabbit holes of research for the perfect character name.

Has that ever been a bad thing?

Would you like to feel good about yourself and what you put into the world?

Do you need a reminder that you can still put things out into the world, even now? Especially now?

If you’re out of work or feeling weird in the world or feeling wobbly about your identity, remember this:

A writer is a person who writes. And that’s you — even if your writing has been on hold for a few weeks or a few months. Being in The MEG is a great way to remind you that feeding your soul counts, to help you embrace the value of doing what you love, and to help you reconnect to the life-affirming truth about yourself and your writing.

Let’s do this together. Pricing for The MEG in 2020 and into 2021 has been set with the challenges of shelter-in-place, return to work challenges, and the pandemic in mind:

  • May 2020: $20 (pilot price)
  • June 2020: $40
  • July 2020: $60
  • August 2020: $80
  • September 2020: $100
  • October 2020: $120
  • November 2020: $140
  • December 2020: $160
  • January through June, 2021: $210 per month
  • July through December, 2021: $350 per month

This is how it works:

  • MEG groups meet in a private Facebook group where you check in with each other, chat, and share inspiration.
  • As a group, you meet with me weekly for 90-minute live sessions online.
  • I am also available for personal pep talks and prompts during the month if you need them.
  • The first few days are for introductions, defining and sharing your goals, and establishing the ideal time for the group coaching calls. Then, we hit the ground running. Or ease into it. Whichever works for you.
  • Accountability is a key ingredient in The MEG, which means: People giving a hoot. Figuring out your personal accountability style is one of the first things we do.
  • You update us with your progress a couple times a week — or every day if you’d like — and enjoy being cheered on and supported by your co-MEGgers.

Your goal is uniquely yours. To get an idea of the goals and intentions past MEGgers have set for themselves, here are a few examples:

  • Write the proposal for a non-fiction book
  • Submit 3 poems to 3 publications every week
  • Write and schedule 1 blog post every 5 days
  • Go through a collection of old writing and organize it
  • Figure out Act 2 and write 25k words
  • Get a website up and running
  • Finish 1 story a week and share it with others

The MEG is personal. If you don’t like the word “goal” there are other ways to play this. Intentions is a popular word for people who need to be gentle with themselves. Ask me; we’ll figure it out.

I wonder what you will discover about yourself. I wonder what answering the call to one opportunity will do for your creative identity. Let’s find out together.